It Is 2023 Is CBT Therapy Right for You?

August 1, 2023
Sarah Steinbrecher standing in her office at Thera-fi.
Sarah is a Cognitive Behavior Therapist.

CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is a type of therapy that helps you learn how to think about and deal with your feelings. It also helps with many other things in life. It’s one of the most studied and effective types of psychological treatment available today. The goal of CBT Therapy is to teach the patient to identify, understand, and change negative thinking and behavior. Which brings us back to it is 2023, is CBT therapy right for you?

CBT is a type of therapy that helps people change their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It can be used to treat anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. Furthermore, it’s also effective for non-psychological problems like insomnia or weight loss. The goal of CBT is to teach the patient to identify, understand and change negative thinking. It also identifies the behavior patterns that are causing them distress.

Two of the main tools of CBT are:

  • Diaries – Keeping track of your thoughts and actions every day can help you spot patterns in your own behavior over time. You might find out that certain situations always make you feel bad or behave badly. Interestingly enough even though they don’t need to cause any problems at all!
  • Exercises – These are designed as fun games where you learn new skills through play rather than being lectured. Many people find some boring therapist who thinks he knows everything about everything is not very effective. After all, what would they know about what makes us feel happy? They usually involve drawing pictures on little cards with special markers (you might even get one if you’re lucky). Then talking about what these pictures mean for your life right now. Finally, how things could be different if we all worked together towards better solutions. This is a better approach than just complaining about things all day long without actually trying anything new.

It is an umbrella term for many different therapies that share some common elements.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy designed to help people change the way they think and behave.

It is helpful if you want to reduce your stress, worry, fear, or anger. Each challenge is unique but the approaches are similar. Or, you have problems with anger or aggression. You are having trouble controlling what you eat. You want to deal with substance misuse (such as alcohol or drugs). Your therapist helps you tackle each challenge.

The most important thing about CBT is that it’s all about YOU. Your therapist won’t tell you what to do or how to live your life; instead, they give suggestions based on their experience with other people who have similar problems as yours. Feel free and comfortable talking about anything with your therapist. Your therapist knows how to steer the conversation. Remember, your therapists have trained for thousands of hours just for get their degree. They have seen hundreds of clients before you. Often it seems embarrassing or weird at first but that is why you build on your sessions. The therapists make sure that they build trust. Don’t worry, they’re used to helping you break through those points and realize that your time together is a safe space void of ridicule and judgment. These are guided experiences and discussions over time. They work with you on your schedule.

It was developed in the 1960s but now it is 2023 Is CBT Therapy Right for You?

The basis for CBT is that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all interconnected. A thought or belief can be considered “irrational” if it leads you to feel bad about yourself or has a detrimental impact on your actions. In other words, it’s not healthy to believe that you deserve something bad. People often believe they deserve something bad because of who they are (i.e., if you make a mistake). Also, they feel abandoned by someone who is no longer in your life. The same goes for emotions. Being angry at yourself because of an event in the past doesn’t do anything. Of course, there is the exception that it makes things worse right now.

It focuses on ways of thinking and behaving that might keep you stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

CBT therapists help you identify these thought patterns by asking questions like “What are you thinking?” or “What are you feeling?”

CBT is not just about changing your thoughts. It’s also about changing your behavior. When we do things over and over again without much success, we become convinced that our efforts won’t pay off. Instead of trying harder at something that clearly isn’t working out for us (like trying to eat healthily), we give up completely (by ordering takeout).

Additionally, CBT therapists help clients understand how their behaviors affect their moods. CBT therapists also work with them on what they’re doing right now to manage stress more effectively. It is as simple as finding time for exercise or taking breaks throughout the day.

CBT is based on the idea that your thoughts influence your feelings and behaviors so since it is 2023, s CBT therapy right for you?

For example:

  • If a friend cancels plans with you last minute. Then the friend tells everyone else but not you. You might think they don’t want to hang out with you anymore. Furthermore, they don’t care about what’s going on in your life anymore. These kinds of negative beliefs lead us to feel sad or mad when something doesn’t go our way.
  • Changing these beliefs (e.g., thinking “It’s probably just an emergency” instead of “They’re uninterested in being friends.”) will help. It makes situations less painful for us emotionally so we can get back into balance. We heal more quickly than if we hadn’t changed anything at all!

CBT is a powerful tool for dealing with some of the toughest challenges in life. It can help you deal with depression, anxiety, phobias, and even substance abuse problems. CBT may not be right for everyone. However if you are struggling with these types of challenges then it is definitely worth considering as an option for treatment. It is 2023, ss CBT therapy right for you?

Our Therapists truly are top-notch. Jaidyn Adkins, Sarah Steinbrecher, and Charlotte Silver all use these method. Each one has a different schedule so you’ll have to book an initial consult to see their availabilities. All of them focus on substance misuse, anxiety, trauma, and other mental health challenges. This is best, if you’re looking for help managing your moods or tackling some of those bigger issues in your life—don’t wait any longer! Reach out to us today and schedule an appointment. However, if you just want to learn more about ways to reduce anxiety check out another blog from our team here.


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